Ada's Quilting Room

Friday, November 18, 2005

First time I got my citation ticket !

As I remembered when I was just arrived here, we firstly need to get a car. At that time, we didn't ask for opinion from friends and bought a black sedan then we realised how stupid we were because the summer temperature in California can go up to 100 degree Fahrenheit (38 degree Celsius). So when we were in the black sedan that really felt like we were sitting in a moving hot steaming pot that was horrible. When we were on the road, we had turned the air-conditioner to the coolest level but we still kept on sweating !!

One day, my husband taught me how to drive on a freeway. In fact, for me whenever driving on the freeway (car speed can't be less than 60 mph) had beem made nervous enough. My husband asked me have to pay attention to this and that. When he asked me to look at the backview mirror then I noticed there was a black car following us which looked like a sheriff's car. My husband told me not to panic just keeping trying as normal. After a while, I looked at my mirror again and found that the red and blue lights in the sheriff's car were flashing. Not just that, I could hear some "do" "do" sound came out from that car also. Then, I had a feeling of bad things gonna happen. The sheriff in side the car also had his finger pointing at the right side of the road. I slowly pulled my car over to the side and the sheriff car stopped and parked at far back of my car.

The Sheriff came over to my car and my husband tried to get off the car to talk to him (we normally do that in HK). But that sheriff didn't allow him to come out and asked us to remain seated inside. Then, he asked for my driver licence and the insurance card. My husband tried to open the passenger drawer to get the licence card out but that Sheriff (at his early 20 years old) became really scared and stepped back 3 steps immediately. He put his right hand on the gun pocket said:"no","no","no"!! My husband and I were so surprised how come he reacted like that ?!! We asked our friends afterwards and found that it was so easy to get a gun here in US so he was afraid that my husband was trying to pull-out a gun from the drawer that would be harmful to him. This experience was really made me sweated. At last, the Sheriff saw that my husband's hand came out with a piece of paper then he was more relaxed. He took that insurance card quickly back to his car and gave us a ticket. You may want to ask why he was giving me ticket ? It's only because of that small little sticker at the back of my car's licence plate. The Sheriff found that my car was still with that expired licence sticker on. The new sticker we didn't get it in the mail yet. In fact, there are half a year tolerance period already.


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